Thursday, October 23, 2014

Trees are an incredible part of nature, vital to our everyday survival. Trees dot city squares, suburban landscapes, and uninhabited forests all over the world. With some 400 billion trees on the planet, and over 23,000 different kinds of trees, it takes an extra special something to make a tree stand out. While you see trees everyday of your life, some trees are different, unique in such a way you can’t help but stare in awe. There are certain trees, be they tall, thick, full of bright colours, or simply one-of-a-kind, that capture the attention of all who pass by. And when finally photographed, the photos of these extra special trees go viral on the Internet.
Say for example, the tree pictured above, which is one of the most stunning of its type. With brilliant pink blossoms, this tree is over 125 years old. This is known as the rhododendron tree. Although it is called a ‘tree’ it is actually a collection of very large shrubs. What makes this ‘tree’ so special? Most rhododendron trees look more like shrubs, but due to the age of this beauty, she’s had plenty of time to grow.
There are many other breath-taking trees all over the world, here are 16 of the most magnificent.
144-Year-Old Wisteria In Japan 
Due to the massive size of this wisteria located in Japan, massive steel rods have been placed to help hoist up the sprawling vines bleeding brilliant shades of purple and pink. People come from all over the world to walk beneath the shade of this wisteria tree– which stretches an amazing 1,990 square feet.

Beautiful Japanese Maple In Portland, Oregon

Blooming Cheery Trees in Bonn, Germany 
Walking beneath these cheery trees can make your forget about the road noise, hustle-bustle and air pollution, if only until you reach the other side.

Antarctic Beech Draped In Hanging Moss In Oregon

Dragonblood Trees, Yemen 
This tree gets its name from the red sap it produces. The Dragonblood tree also produces a small berry fruit that has 1-3 seeds, which are typically consumed by birds and other wildlife.

Jacarandas in Cullinan, South Africa 

Rainbow Eucalyptus In Kauai, Hawaii 
The rainbow eucalyptus is picky about its environment, but under the right conditions it grows into the most beautiful tree. The multi-colored bark highlights all of the colors of the rainbow


Maple Tree Tunnel in Oregon 
Not only are these maple trees magnificent, but they make up one of the most amazing tree tunnels you can walk beneath.

Giant Sequoia Tree in California
This giant sequoia tree is known as The President–it is the third largest of its type found all over the whole world! Can you imagine the view from up there?

The Dark Hedges in Northern Ireland 
These trees were originally installed back in the eighteenth century by the Stuart Family. They thought the trees would serve as a unique landscape feature to greet guests with.
200 years later and the trees still exist, intriguing many that come to see. If you watch Game of Thrones you might recognize these Dark Hedges, as they are the film location for the King’s Road.

Avenue Of Oaks At Dixie Plantation In South Carolina 

Wind Swept Trees in New Zealand 
The winds are so intense in this part of New Zealand that the trees are bent, twisted, and blown in all sorts of directions from the continuous force.

Flamboyant Tree, Brazil 

Angel Oak in John’s Island South Carolina 

Baobab Trees In Madagascar


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